Everyone likes saving money on a monthly basis, to become a GlideDriver is a skill most people can learn is a short time period and master after only three weeks of practice. Then you can save about 25-50% of your gas budget in a week, a month and a year. I save about $35.00 dollars a week. I use my weekly saving to go for a free lunch with friends each and every week. Anyone can save about $800.00 – $1,700.00 per year on local commuting. At the same time your practicing Glide Driving you may want to enroll in apps like Snapshot from Progressive insurance, to lower your car or truck insurance.
On this site you will hear from many people from all over America who are saving each and every week. This groundbreaking book reveals tips and techniques through diagrams and pictures to make learning easy and fun. The cost is $15.95 which you can recoup in one week of becoming a GlideDriver.