Today I like to talk about saving money when you become a Glide Driver. As a Glide Driver you want the book to deliver on the three main propositions that Glide Driving can provide after you practice the techniques in the book. If you are reading from the blog and did buy a copy at...Read More
This blog was created for the purpose of giving drivers a safe place to bring Driving Problems and solutions to everyone. Anyone can contribute or learn from other people’s experiences. Yes we will talk about MPGs and RPMs but it’s only fair that people buy the Glide Driving book so everyone can have the same...Read More
The first thing is buy the book…$15.95. Once you have the book, read it… try out the Tips and Techniques … Then you can post a question in FAQs page. Glide Driving can be fun and rewarding, the money you save are yours to keep for a week, a month or a year. After you...Read More